Monday, March 21, 2011


Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced. this is a sturth statement. Tennagers never grimace how important raising a child is. Personally I had a friend who got pregnant and kept the child, she is now on out of school and stays home and takes care of her baby girl. SHe rely's on being home schooled by her mother, abd the relations whith the bay's father is not so good. Teenage girls don't really looked at all the important factors if they are going to have sex before mariage because they likely hood is that they would get pregnant, and if thy do how are they going to handle the situation. what are they going to do, how are they going to handle the situation, and is abortion an option? For most teenage girls they believe that it is a fantasy to have a child for example the pregnany pact. They thought it was soo coll to have a baby, they would dress them up go to the park, and they would be best friends forever. They believed that thier child would be like a doll, a play thing that would give them no problmes whatsoever. But these teenage mothers ned to come back to reality. Raising a child is not easy it is hard work, and the younger you get pregnant like around 13- 17, the likely hood is that the girl would put the baby up for adoption; they can't hanlde the stress. Furthermore, if they have a baby their life is basically over, they have to spend their life now caring for another life. They can't go out with their firends as much as they use to, they have to drop out of school becasue the likely hood that the district would actually let that girl stay at the school, is really slim to none. In conclusion, Teenage mothers are unwite to take care of a baby, because they are not fully mature to take care of another life. They will not be fully mature until they hit 24-28. And what they need to take into interest is that when they go into having a baby, they really need to fully realize that what you are doing is going to require everything of your being to do this, it is not like caring for a dog, this is an actual human life, and without care you will most likely fail, and would either resolve the matter into two situaitons. Adoption or either Abortion.

1 comment:

PhD said...

Terrika, you got sidetracked!!. It all comes down to one question an one question only. What is the unborn? 30/40