Monday, March 14, 2011


Equality and Justice are definitely in the involvemnt of out world today. Equality is defined as the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability; and judegemnt focus' more on the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness. The CLS use these definitons to promote a political change. The goal is to bring quality and fairness to those in a oppressed situations. For example, would be the movement homosecuals and trying to break down the man to recieve the same recognition as any other person on this planet. Critical Legal Studies lawyers believe that they bring equality to the world by breaking down the law, however equality may not always be in the right. But back to the example, of homosexuals. GOd does not want use to partake in homosexuality but the CLS see these issues and see that homosexuals, are feeling unjustified and so they seek to change this by bringing equality to the mariage law.

As Christians we are to love the Love the Lord our God and follow his every word and command. We are to Love all that he loves no matter how different they may be from us, because in the end of the day thy are no different from you and me( only that they like the same sex and I don't :) ). They are still brothers and sisters in God's eyes and he loves them. We must help those who he loves, that need our help, and in helping them we help oursleves. In accordance of the for the will of God, to what is right and what is just.

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