Monday, May 2, 2011


If History was writen by winners, than why would our country shouldn't bother on learning information in which we were not the winners of. History is about progression sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. No one can ever expect to win everything, it's not possible. In our History, America sometimes may fall, and as a country our job is to take from what we did wrong and turn it into something positive. History goes through trail and error and sometimes History is also a reason of why the world is the way it is. To give a warning for people in order to help prevent from repeating the mistakes of the past.But this is my point of view. History is not their to destory us but to help us, without History we would not a foundation for what most of us believe in from politics to religion. History is a huge part of our lives, that can be from Americans to the Chinese. It is a record to help and guide us, and to show us what not do ino order to survive. That is what i would tell Paige.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The main problem with a global secular government is that it will never work the way they want it to. Secular's believe in a government that everyone is suppose to work together, but the world isn't made of perople who are going to be eaily persuded to work together. The people of the world are inately sinful, and the likelyjood of finding those few people to work together, to be able to come to some agreement to help make the country, or the world to a better place is slim to none. And also too, they have to count for the matter that poeple are really stubborn when they stongly agree or disagree with something and are not going to be really persuaded by that to change thier mind.

ALsoif this is going to work then the goevernment is really going to have to focus the leaders that are leading the country for two reasons. One, the leader is going to be easily corruted by the people, that he allows into its intermediate circle. Secondly, the leader concious or morals may not always be in the common good for the poeple, but maybe in the common good for himslef. Thus, the country would be run by a person who is just hungary for more and more power.

These are some ways in which a secular government would be run.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced. this is a sturth statement. Tennagers never grimace how important raising a child is. Personally I had a friend who got pregnant and kept the child, she is now on out of school and stays home and takes care of her baby girl. SHe rely's on being home schooled by her mother, abd the relations whith the bay's father is not so good. Teenage girls don't really looked at all the important factors if they are going to have sex before mariage because they likely hood is that they would get pregnant, and if thy do how are they going to handle the situation. what are they going to do, how are they going to handle the situation, and is abortion an option? For most teenage girls they believe that it is a fantasy to have a child for example the pregnany pact. They thought it was soo coll to have a baby, they would dress them up go to the park, and they would be best friends forever. They believed that thier child would be like a doll, a play thing that would give them no problmes whatsoever. But these teenage mothers ned to come back to reality. Raising a child is not easy it is hard work, and the younger you get pregnant like around 13- 17, the likely hood is that the girl would put the baby up for adoption; they can't hanlde the stress. Furthermore, if they have a baby their life is basically over, they have to spend their life now caring for another life. They can't go out with their firends as much as they use to, they have to drop out of school becasue the likely hood that the district would actually let that girl stay at the school, is really slim to none. In conclusion, Teenage mothers are unwite to take care of a baby, because they are not fully mature to take care of another life. They will not be fully mature until they hit 24-28. And what they need to take into interest is that when they go into having a baby, they really need to fully realize that what you are doing is going to require everything of your being to do this, it is not like caring for a dog, this is an actual human life, and without care you will most likely fail, and would either resolve the matter into two situaitons. Adoption or either Abortion.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Equality and Justice are definitely in the involvemnt of out world today. Equality is defined as the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability; and judegemnt focus' more on the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness. The CLS use these definitons to promote a political change. The goal is to bring quality and fairness to those in a oppressed situations. For example, would be the movement homosecuals and trying to break down the man to recieve the same recognition as any other person on this planet. Critical Legal Studies lawyers believe that they bring equality to the world by breaking down the law, however equality may not always be in the right. But back to the example, of homosexuals. GOd does not want use to partake in homosexuality but the CLS see these issues and see that homosexuals, are feeling unjustified and so they seek to change this by bringing equality to the mariage law.

As Christians we are to love the Love the Lord our God and follow his every word and command. We are to Love all that he loves no matter how different they may be from us, because in the end of the day thy are no different from you and me( only that they like the same sex and I don't :) ). They are still brothers and sisters in God's eyes and he loves them. We must help those who he loves, that need our help, and in helping them we help oursleves. In accordance of the for the will of God, to what is right and what is just.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Christian and Islamic approach to law

Christians believe that God gave us divine laws and the means of discovering them. Christian law is based on GOd's unchanging character as an absolute foundation rather than on a foundation that evolves and changes over time based soley on societal concernes. Christian law ensures specific, absolute human rights that other worldviews that deny God's existence cannot gaurantee. CHristian human rights are based on specific duties prescribed in the Bible. God assigns us specific rights, we are responsilbr for obeying God and protecting our rights as well as the rights of others. In contrast to the CHristian worldview that affirms that GOd reveals His will and HImself, Islam holds that, "GOd has not revealed Himself and His nature, but rather His Law". The Islamic Hari'ah as classically expressed, defines five categories of human behavior: that which is commanded, recommended, indifferent, disapproved, and forbidden. THosses acts that are commanded are required or obligatory. Those acts that are recommended are deemed commendable, but are not required; although failure to do them is punishable. Those acts that are forbidden are prohibited, to do them is worthy of punishemnet. Those acts that are disapproved are discouraged to one degree or another, whild doing them is a result of punishment. And those acts that are indifferent are without either positive or negative consequences; neither doing them nor refusing them gains punishment or reward.Law can be discussed in isolation from other aspects of a worldview. In order to reatain personla freedom withing a society, its legal standards must have a solid legal system. ONly a biblicasl worldview provides a baasis for law that repsects both human dignity ( that w4e were created in GOd's image) and human depravity ( that we have fallen into sin). These are some ways in which Christianity and Islam view law

Monday, February 21, 2011


The Government is not responsible for creating laws, but is merely responsible for enforcing the laws that we've carried since the begining of time. Laws has always been enforced into a society, even before we even had a government system.As Chrsitians, God tells us that we need to obey the laws that our government today has set before us with only one exception. If the laws that the government has made contradicts what God has told us in the Bible, we are not suppose to follow them.For example, If the government tells us that we do not have the right to worship the God of thee bible then, we do not follow them, however if the government tells us not to steal or kill, then we do follow them ( Ten Commandments). The Government nowadays, does set out some good laws that we as a scoiety should adby by, like not drinking and drving. I believe we all should know not to be behind the wheel if you are drinking and driving no matter how much alchol you consume. The Government looks out for our best interest and heart and our wellbeing. However, God gave us a sense from what is right and wrong and we should apply what is right in our lives and what is right in the eyes of the Lord God Almighty.

Friday, February 18, 2011

God is our Government

The governments are not the ultimate authority for creating laws. Christians differ from secular humanist in this because, we believe in a divine law that holds God as the almighty being; who created the Heavens and the Earth. However God created law as well, which started in the very beginning with Adam and Eve, by going against Gods' law, order, or command and was casted away from the Garden of Eden. God, started after the Garden of Eden to lay out rules or laws along the way with various people within various time frames. For example, Moses was told by God that the Ten Commandments with explains what God wants for us, and those who don't abide by his rules would have to answer to him in the days to come. But as we take a closer look into Gods' rules and his way of going about things, his rules are a exact comparison to Gods' nature, it is who he is and what he is all about. All the while, their are governments who make rules in our country today, but the one we should be answering to is God, even though while showing respect to the one (Obama) who governs us today. Even though in Scripture in 1 Timothy if their is something that goes against what God has said, and what he cmmands of us today, disobey it for God is the ultimate authority. For he is the one whom we shall all answer to in the days to come.