Friday, February 18, 2011

God is our Government

The governments are not the ultimate authority for creating laws. Christians differ from secular humanist in this because, we believe in a divine law that holds God as the almighty being; who created the Heavens and the Earth. However God created law as well, which started in the very beginning with Adam and Eve, by going against Gods' law, order, or command and was casted away from the Garden of Eden. God, started after the Garden of Eden to lay out rules or laws along the way with various people within various time frames. For example, Moses was told by God that the Ten Commandments with explains what God wants for us, and those who don't abide by his rules would have to answer to him in the days to come. But as we take a closer look into Gods' rules and his way of going about things, his rules are a exact comparison to Gods' nature, it is who he is and what he is all about. All the while, their are governments who make rules in our country today, but the one we should be answering to is God, even though while showing respect to the one (Obama) who governs us today. Even though in Scripture in 1 Timothy if their is something that goes against what God has said, and what he cmmands of us today, disobey it for God is the ultimate authority. For he is the one whom we shall all answer to in the days to come.

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