Monday, December 13, 2010

3 problems of a naturalistic exlpanation to life

Problem 1: THe gene pool and the limitations to change. Indeed, evolutionists see benefical mutations as breaking all barriers to change, becasue these mutations supposedly can produce a vast array of stuctures-even a human eye- given enough time. Unfourtunately, for evolutionists, science simply has not been able to demonsrate that mutations can break these limits to change. Pierre Paul Grasse, after studying mutations in beacteria and viruses, concluded, "what is the uses of their unceasing mutations if they do not change? in sum, the mutations of bacteria and viruses are merely hereditary fluctuations around a median positio; a swing to the right, a swing to the left, but no evolutionary effect". If indeed such limitations exist, then evolution is a meaninless explanation

Problem 2: The impossibility of spontaneous generation. It has been scientifically demonstrated that life comes from pre-existing life. THis acords with Creationism and is yet another disproof of evolution. Evolutionists must postulate that for life to have arisen by naturalistic, random processes, at some point in time non-living matter must have come alive.

Problem 3: Fossil Gaps. Another problem with macroevolution is the lack of fossil evidence. Over one hundred years ago, Darwin wrote, "The geological record is extremely imperfect... [and this fact] will to a large extent explain why...we do not find intermediate varieties, connecting together all the extinct and existing forms of life by the finest graduated steps...He who rejects theses views on nature of the geological record, will rightly reject my whole theory". When Darwin made this claim, he was correct in asserting that the geological reord, as the scientists knew it when, was imperfect. After a century of careful scrunity of the geological record, it fails to support Darwin's theories. One reason the fossil record record does not support evolutionary theory is that may complex life forms appear in the very earliest rocks without any indication of forms which they could have evolved. In words of Brown, "THE EVOLUTIONARY TREE HAS NO TRUNK"!!!!

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